
Manuscripts & preprints

Schuler, K.D. (in prep). Morphosyntactic variation is preserved, not regularized when an optional form is rare. Glossa Psycholinguistics 

Chen, Y. & Schuler, K.D. (under review). French Variable Ne-omission in Child-Directed Speech and Children’s Early Productions. Language Variation and Change | preprint

Schuler, K.D., Yang, C., & Newport, E.L. (in revision). Children form productive rules when it is more computationally efficient. Journal of Memory and Language | preprint

Schuler, K.D., Lukens, K., Reeder, P.A., Newport, E.L. & Aslin, R.N. (in revision). Children can use distributional cues to acquire grammatical categories. Under review.


Daoxin Li  & Kathryn D. Schuler (forthcoming). Acquiring recursive structures through distributional learning. Language Acquisition | preprint

Yiran Chen & Kathryn D. Schuler (2023). Variable ne in the negative utterances of French children and their caregivers. BUCLD 47 Proceedings | pdf

Daoxin Li  & Kathryn D. Schuler (2023). Distributional learning of recursive structures: the role of the structural representation. BUCLD 47 Proceedings | pdf

Daoxin Li  & Kathryn D. Schuler (2023). Adapting infant looking time paradigms for the web. BUCLD 47 Proceedings | pdf

Mackenzie E. Fama, Kathryn D. Schuler, Elissa L. Newport, & Peter E. Turkeltau (2022). Effects of healthy aging and left hemisphere stroke on statistical language learning. Language, cognition, and neuroscience, 37:8, 984-999, DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2022.2030481

Yiran Chen & Kathryn Schuler (2022). Adults regularize unpredictable variation when variants resemble possible speech errors. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, 7:1. 5293, DOI: 10.3765/plsa.v7i1.5293 

Alison C. Austin, Kathryn D. Schuler, Sarah Furlong & Elissa L. Newport (2022). Learning a Language from Inconsistent Input: Regularization in Child and Adult Learners. Language Learning and Development, 18:3, 249-277, DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2021.1954927

Daoxin Li  & Kathryn D. Schuler (2021). Distributional Learning of Recursive Structures. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society | pdf 

Stefan Pophristic & Kathryn D. Schuler (2021). The role of gender in the acquisition of the Serbian case system. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, 6:1, 896–905, DOI: 10.3765/plsa.v6i1.5031

Yiran Chen & Kathryn D. Schuler (2020). Does Learner’s preference match the typological pattern of Animacy Hierarchy in morphological marking? Penn Working Papers in Linguistics,  21:1 | pdf

Kathryn D. Schuler, Jordan Kodner, & Spencer Caplan (2020). Abstractions are good for brains and machines: A commentary on Ambridge (2020). First Language, 40:5–6, 631–635, DOI: 10.1177/0142723720906233

Jennifer C. Culbertson & Kathryn D. Schuler (2019). Artificial language learning in children. Annual Review of Linguistics, 5:1, 353-373, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-linguistics-011718-012329

Kathryn D. Schuler, Patricia A. Reeder, Elissa L. Newport, & Richard N. Aslin (2017). The effect of Zipfian frequency variations on category formation in adult artificial language learning. Language learning and development: the official journal of the Society for Language Development, 13:4, 357–374, DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2016.1263571

Kathryn D. Schuler, Charles Yang, & Elissa L. Newport (2016). Testing the Tolerance Principle: Children form productive rules when it is more computationally efficient to do so. In Papafragou, A., Grodner, D., Mirman, D., & Trueswell, J.C. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the cognitive science society. DOI: 10.31234/

Jessica F. Schwab, Kathryn D. Schuler, Chelsea M. Stillman, Elissa L. Newport, James H. Howard Jr., & Darlene V. Howard (2016). Aging and the Statistical Learning of Grammatical Form Classes. Psychology and Aging. Psychology and aging, 31:5, 481–487, DOI: 10.1037/pag0000110

Amy E. Booth, Kathryn Schuler, & Ruth Zajicek (2010). Specifying the role of function in infant categorization. Infant Behavior and Development, 33:4, 672-684, DOI: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2010.09.003