
Principal Investigator

Katie Schuler

Katie is an Assistant Professor in the Linguistics Department at the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her B.A. in Brain and Cognitive Science at the University of Rochester and her Ph.D. in Neuroscience at Georgetown University. She is pictured here with her daughters Joan (5) and Dory (9 months).


Lab Manager

Madison Paron

Madison earned her B.A. in Cognitive Sciences from the University of Pennsylvania in 2019. She is interested in neurolingistics, specifically evaluating the processes underlying the acquisition of verbal and signed languages. Outside of research, Madison enjoys skiing and spending time with her family.

Graduate Students

Daoxin is a PhD student in the Department of Linguistics. Before coming to Penn, she earned her BA in English Language from Tsinghua University. She uses various methods to investigate the acquisition of linguistic generalizations: How do learners identify the regular rules in their language in the presence of irregular items? How do they make use of the input data available to them? Why do children seem to be better at learning the rules than adults?

Christine Soh Yue

Christine is a PhD student in the Department of Linguistics. Before coming to Penn, she graduated from MIT with a BS in Linguistics and Computer Science. She uses various methods including computational modeling and psycholinguistic experiments to investigate the process of how learners acquire linguistic generalizations. In her free time, Christine enjoys cooking, making things, and spending time with family and friends.

Mikaela Belle Martin

Mikaela Belle Martin is a PhD student in the Department of Linguistics. Before coming to Penn, they graduated from Harvard with a BA in Linguistics. She works primarily in both experimental semantics and experimental sociolinguistics to investigate how individuals make use their linguistic backgrounds to make sense of both linguistic expectations, as well as how language variation manifests in speakers of different dialects. Most of Mikaela's free time is spent with her 8 year-old dwarf rabbit, Frostbite. 

Research Assistants

Milana Korobko

Milana graduated with a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in 2024. She is interested in language acquisition, autism spectrum disorder, and self-regulation in child development. 

Izabela Baran

Izabela is a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania studying Cognitive Science with a minor in Data Science. She is interested in sociolinguistics and computational cognition. In her free time, she enjoys thrifting and reading.

Insia Haque

Insia is a junior at Penn majoring in Cognitive Science and minoring in Linguistics, Psychology, and Design. She is interested in language acquisition, pidgins, and child development. In her free time, she enjoys creating art and crocheting and does graphic design and illustration for The Daily Pennsylvanian and 34th Street Magazine.

Melinda Amorosi

Melinda is a sophomore at Penn studying linguistics. She is interested in sociolinguistics, syntax, and language acquisition. She is involved in Penn's ZTA and rugby, and she runs Quake Magazine. In her free time she enjoys reading, creative writing, weightlifting, and playing piano. 

Marissa Prager

Marissa is a sophomore at Penn studying Urban Studies and minoring in Lingustics. She is interested in urban education, child language acquisition, literacy studies. and linguistics. Outside of the lab, Marissa works at the Andrew Hamilton School, and she sing's with the Penn Glee Club!

Esther Werbach

Esther is a current junior at Penn studying Cognitive Science with minors in Psychology and French.  She is particularly interested in child development and behavioral science. Outside of the lab, Esther enjoys watching reality TV, going to the gym, and thrifting.

Lab Alumni

Grad students

Yiran Chen

Research assistants

Zaid Tabaza

Mia Schwartzberg

Nina Wang

Abby Ray

Cynthia Gu

Tula Childs

Alessandra Pintado-Urbanc

Ariel Mathis
Lauren Kim
Amy Krimm
Katarina Siggelkow
Aja Altenhof
Anna Alberski
Iris Zhong
Annalise Kendrick
Stefan Pophristic
Madison Reasnor
Nathaniel Serio
Breasia Scott
Dorina Domi
Ayyah Alhuraibi
Jasmine Raj
Madison Connelly
Jessica Burke

Join our lab!

Interested in joining our lab? We'd love to have you! 

To learn more about what it is like to work with us, see our Lab Handbook.